Dr. rer. nat. Peter Köppel
Nucleotide researcher - biochemist - immunologist

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Dr. Peter Köppel began working with nucleotides more than 30 years ago.
Dr. Köppel: "I started out in the animal sector. We have gained a lot of
experience with the effects of nucleotides in this area
." Animals can be fed specifically, and such
nutritional experiments are particularly well suited to gaining experience with
nutrients. Dr. Köppel: "The trials showed that
nucleotides massively strengthen the immune system, improve intestinal
activity and activate liver function. Later, with my own company
, I was able to extend the studies to humans and
found the good results fully confirmed in animal experiments. With these
studies, I wanted to prove to myself and my customers that the products
I bring to the market are safe and effective. Both are top priorities for
me as a scientist."

What are nucleotides?
Quality of the nucleotides
The nucleotides are extracted from a yeast and split into the individual
molecules (nucleotides) by
hydrolysis and then an ion exchanger. We then mix the individual
nucleotides again in a ratio that has been found to be ideal for
humans (based on the ratio found in breast milk). The process is very complex and this is where
the big difference lies between the nucleotides that always occur in food
and our nucleotide mix.
Every single batch is checked for harmful substances
and quality on arrival and departure. The laboratory is in Switzerland and is checked as standard. Nevertheless,
the laboratory that produces the nucleotides in Switzerland has a
quality control plan that provides for external analyses in addition to internal analyses of the
individual batches. The analyses
are carried out exclusively by external, independent specialist laboratories
accredited for
food testing. This means that all tests are carried out
as standard, beyond the legal requirements, out of
own interest.