Nucleotide research - a success story

Dr. Peter Köppel began working with nucleotides more than 30 years ago.
Dr. Köppel: "I started out in the animal sector. We have gained a lot of experience with the effects of nucleotides in this area." Animals can be fed specifically, and such nutritional experiments are particularly suitable for gaining experience with nutrients. Dr. Köppel: "The trials showed that nucleotides massively strengthen the immune system, improve intestinal activity and activate liver function. Later, with my own company, I was able to extend the studies to humans and found the good results fully confirmed in animal experiments. With these studies, I wanted to prove to myself and my customers that the products I bring to market are safe and effective. Both are top priorities for me as a scientist."

Dr. Peter Köppel: "As a student, I contracted chronic cystitis, which broke out once or twice a year. It always started with chills and a fever of up to 39.8 degrees. The fever could last for about 14 days. I had to take high doses of antibiotics each time, but they didn't bring any lasting improvement. When I noticed that another inflammation was developing, I decided to take high doses of nucleotides instead of antibiotics. The result was amazing. I had pain when urinating, but no chills and no fever. The whole infection was over after four days and I haven't had a bladder infection since. My second experience is with herpes labialis. Since I have been taking nucleotides regularly, i.e. for 30 years, I have not had any more. Another important experience is with colds. I haven't had a cold for 30 years either. My secret recipe is nucleotides. As soon as I feel a slight pain in my throat, for example, I immediately increase my intake of nucleotides three or fourfold. This way I am sure that the cold will be over the next day. Other people have had the same experience with taking nucleotides. All these experiences indicate that nucleotides support the immune system. They help the immune system to react strongly and quickly."

Textbooks still hold the opinion that the body is sufficiently supplied with nucleotides for all situations. Only in recent years have studies shown that this is not always the case. At the moment, this has been proven above all in small children.
Dr. Peter Köppel: "Current studies are increasingly indicating that adults can also suffer from deficiencies in the supply of nucleotides. However, it will be some time before this realization is accepted. We are doing everything we can to fill this knowledge gap."

"While I was working in a pharmaceutical company, we were looking for substances that stimulate (activate) the immune system. Among other things, we also tested RNA from yeast. RNA is very interesting because it does not activate the immune system itself, but supports a natural activation. In this way, a very specific immune response can be achieved. In contrast to immunostimulants, which always activate the entire immune system. When the entire immune system is activated, the body needs a lot of energy. But this is a waste of energy for the body. As the company where I was employed had no interest in such products, I founded my own company together with two colleagues. We wanted to pursue this interesting approach further. We extended the experiments to pure nucleotides and combinations thereof and found that certain combinations work particularly well. This experience still helps us to produce optimal products for our customers." Dr. Peter Köppel (biochemist and immunologist)
Dr. Peter Köppel began working with nucleotides more than 30 years ago.
Dr. Köppel: "I started out in the animal sector. We have gained a lot of experience with the effects of nucleotides in this area." Animals can be fed specifically, and such nutritional experiments are particularly suitable for gaining experience with nutrients. Dr. Köppel: "The trials showed that nucleotides massively strengthen the immune system, improve intestinal activity and activate liver function. Later, with my own company, I was able to extend the studies to humans and found the good results fully confirmed in animal experiments. With these studies, I wanted to prove to myself and my customers that the products I bring to market are safe and effective. Both are top priorities for me as a scientist."
Dr. Peter Köppel: "As a student, I contracted chronic cystitis, which broke out once or twice a year. It always started with chills and a fever of up to 39.8 degrees. The fever could last for about 14 days. I had to take high doses of antibiotics each time, but they didn't bring any lasting improvement. When I noticed that another inflammation was developing, I decided to take high doses of nucleotides instead of antibiotics. The result was amazing. I had pain when urinating, but no chills and no fever. The whole infection was over after four days and I haven't had a bladder infection since. My second experience is with herpes labialis. Since I have been taking nucleotides regularly, i.e. for 30 years, I have not had any more. Another important experience is with colds. I haven't had a cold for 30 years either. My secret recipe is nucleotides. As soon as I feel a slight pain in my throat, for example, I immediately increase my intake of nucleotides three or fourfold. This way I am sure that the cold will be over the next day. Other people have had the same experience with taking nucleotides. All these experiences indicate that nucleotides support the immune system. They help the immune system to react strongly and quickly."
Textbooks still hold the opinion that the body is sufficiently supplied with nucleotides for all situations. Only in recent years have studies shown that this is not always the case. At the moment, this has been proven above all in small children.
Dr. Peter Köppel: "Current studies are increasingly indicating that adults can also suffer from deficiencies in the supply of nucleotides. However, it will be some time before this realization is accepted. We are doing everything we can to fill this knowledge gap."
"While I was working in a pharmaceutical company, we were looking for substances that stimulate (activate) the immune system. Among other things, we also tested RNA from yeast. RNA is very interesting because it does not activate the immune system itself, but supports a natural activation. In this way, a very specific immune response can be achieved. In contrast to immunostimulants, which always activate the entire immune system. When the entire immune system is activated, the body needs a lot of energy. But this is a waste of energy for the body. As the company where I was employed had no interest in such products, I founded my own company together with two colleagues. We wanted to pursue this interesting approach further. We extended the experiments to pure nucleotides and combinations thereof and found that certain combinations work particularly well. This experience still helps us to produce optimal products for our customers." Dr. Peter Köppel (biochemist and immunologist)

Dr. rer. nat. Peter Köppel
holds a doctorate in biochemistry and specializes in biochemistry, biotechnology and immunology. He has been researching nucleotides for 30 years and is an internationally renowned researcher with numerous studies and publications on the use of nucleotides in food supplements.

Wolfgang M. Sprenger
is a vegan, endurance athlete and Ironman triathlete whose personal experiences and challenges make him our first testimonial for product developments. By supplementing with nucleotides, he has experienced enormously positive developments and improvements.

with her medical background, is a competent contact person for all questions relating to our products. With her positive and motivating nature, she coordinates and takes responsibility for inquiries, orders and processes.
Advisory Board
As a young and innovative company, Vegana Natura AG stands for sincerity, integrity, authenticity, innovation and expertise. This is all the more important to us, as these qualities are essential for customers in the food supplement market to trust our brand. We want to emphasize this by working with specialists from various fields on the Advisory Board. In a competitive market environment with many players, the market for food supplements is very opaque on the one hand and also burdened with negative stereotypes on the other, making it very difficult to evaluate many products and market participants. As a pioneer in terms of transparency and with our location in Switzerland, we are aware of our role as a figurehead for nucleotide products and therefore want to create credibility for the Vegana Natura brand and nucleotide products through a well-chosen panel of experts, the Advisory Board, in addition to constant internal and external quality controls and labels.

Peter Kotkowski
is a sports scientist with an M.Sc. in elite sport. Peter works with Olympic champions, world and European champions and many other top athletes from various sports (e.g. professional soccer, ice hockey, tennis).
"I immediately understood the Vegana Natura products with their special and innovative nucleotides. My focus is on the ideal supply of nutrients and the body's needs in special situations such as stress or rehab."

lic. lic. phil. Heinz Wattenhofer
Therapist in his own practice (Uster Switzerland) for 40 years with an incredible amount of practical experience with clients. Specializes in treatment accompanied by supplements.
"Since I have been recommending nucleotides to my clients, the general health of my patients has improved and their energy levels and many specific complaints have also improved massively."

Lucia Treffurth
works as a consultant in the field of optimizing health in combination with supplements. Specialized in omega-3 household and oil-protein diet according to Dr. Johanna Budwig.
"For me, nucleotides have been the missing link that I have been missing for the last 20 years of my work with the oil-protein diet according to Dr. Johanna Budwig in order to better understand the interplay of health, regeneration, well-being and energy in our body."
We work with specialists who recommend our products and are authorized to represent our brand. The experience, feedback and recommendations of our partner companies play a key role in our product development, market positioning and future strategy.

Stelios Theriakis - manual medicine center
Practice for American chiropractic and osteopathy in Dortmund.
Stelios Theriakis and his team develop content on the subject of nucleotides in practical application for athletes and in the therapeutic field. As a top athlete himself, he is also convinced by Vegana Natura's nucleotide products.
INSTAGRAM chiropractor.stelios

In Gutsch - THUJA Academy
Ina Gutsch and the THUJA Academy are offering the first seminar to qualify as a nucleotide consultant.
The course was created in response to the needs of many partner companies with the aim of better understanding nucleotides and their areas of application and modes of action. This first nucleotide seminar was created in collaboration with the THUJA Academy, Vegana Natura and Dr. Peter Köppel.

Walter Bestel
Partner companies

drugstore for clean and efficient products
humasana is a drugstore for tested, clean and efficient products.

online shop for natural products
Lucia's Natuerlicht specializes in high-quality and natural nutritional supplements.

NaturBurg Nature & Health
NaturBurg operates several online stores offering hand-picked and largely natural food supplements, natural remedies, natural products and
natural cosmetics for people and pets.

With Vegana Natura, we want to optimize natural nutrition and vegan diets through nucleotide-based food supplements. The focus of our products is on optimizing bodily functions and supporting the immune system. The composition of the products has been designed to provide natural ingredients, nutrients, minerals, vitamins and nucleotides in accordance with the needs of the human body. Increasing performance and energy is an important effect for sportspeople and athletes, but of course also for people in other life situations with increased stress levels. This includes a stressful everyday life, physical and mental strain and advanced age and much more. Our products are all vegan food supplements. Our vegan food supplement with nucleotides is suitable for situations such as stress, tiredness and exhaustion. Muscle growth in our body also requires nucleotides, as every cell division in the body requires around 3 billion nucleotides. According to scientific findings, a vegan diet has very few nucleotides, as these are found in high concentrations in meat and especially in offal. However, as this is not part of the diet of vegetarians and vegans, the nucleotides must be obtained from other sources. Vegan protein is useful in combination with nucleotides.